this website is managed by ask resource center


The Iowa Department of Education has partnered with ASK Resource Center, a non-profit resource center funded in part by the U.S. Department of Education.  The goal is to provide a website to support students, families and professionals as they plan for life after high school for students with disabilities.

Transition Iowa is a website to support transition planning for: 

  • Youth and young adults with disabilities, 
  • Families of youth with disabilities, and 
  • Professionals who support students with disabilities as they move from high school to adulthood.  The resources encourage high expectations and successful outcomes for all students.

ASK Resource Center

Transition Iowa Sponsors:

Iowa Department of Education

Secondary Transition Program

ASK Resource Center

Parent Training and Information Center (PTI)

Family to Family Health Information Center (F2F)

  • Karen Thompson, Executive Director

Iowa Area Education Agencies (AEAs)

Iowa AEAs can support transition planning.  Contact your local AEA and ask who to talk with about Secondary Transition for your district. 


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