February 6: Voices of Experience: Family Stories and Essential Resources for Transitioning Students with Disabilities

February 6, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Location: Live on Zoom
1.5 CRC credits available


Training Objectives:

  • Provide families and professionals with actionable strategies and insights to begin transition planning early, engage in community-based activities, and support students in building readiness for adulthood.
  • Guide educators, and vocational rehabilitation professionals in understanding how to best foster collaboration with families to ensure engagement and to streamline the transition process.
  • Educate families and professionals on the transition planning process, including IEPs, vocational rehabilitation services, post-secondary goals, and the rights of students with disabilities and their families.
  • Promote the importance of person-centered planning and supported decision-making to help families and professionals advocate for tailored solutions that meet the unique needs of each student.



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